28 research outputs found

    Comparison of input devices in an ISEE direct timbre manipulation task

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    The representation and manipulation of sound within multimedia systems is an important and currently under-researched area. The paper gives an overview of the authors' work on the direct manipulation of audio information, and describes a solution based upon the navigation of four-dimensional scaled timbre spaces. Three hardware input devices were experimentally evaluated for use in a timbre space navigation task: the Apple Standard Mouse, Gravis Advanced Mousestick II joystick (absolute and relative) and the Nintendo Power Glove. Results show that the usability of these devices significantly affected the efficacy of the system, and that conventional low-cost, low-dimensional devices provided better performance than the low-cost, multidimensional dataglove

    An Artistic Design System

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    : A support environment for audio-related artistic design is described. The first part of the paper identifies requirements for artistic design support through an analysis of music composition activities, and presents an artistic design system object model adapted from the more conventional engineering design system technology. The second part examines the problems of representation, visualisation and manipulation of audio design objects in an artistic design system. Two research contributions are reviewed: an evaluation of clustering techniques for Group Additive Synthesis representation of sounds; and an evaluation of input devices for navigation in 4-dimensional perceptual spaces of sounds. Keywords: database, design systems, multimedia, hci, direct manipulation, audio information systems, computer music, artistic design. Motto: " The places that we have known belong now only to the little world of space on which we map them for our own convenience " M Proust, Swann's Way 1 PRELUD..

    Looking for sound?: Selling perceptual space in hierarchically nested boxes

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    ISEE3D is a 3D musical sound browser which uses nested boxes to allow browsing through a hierarchy of perceptually organized sound spaces

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    Schema Interpretation: An Aid to the Schema Analysis in Federated Database Design

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    A new method for schema analysis is described in which reasoning is based upon the real--world semantics of schema elements. The method distinguishes between intrinsic and in--context semantics, which respectively provide a basis for shallow and deep semantic comparisons between element. Real--world semantics are represent as element interpretations which map elements into a pre--defined common concept model. The method provides a basis for more accurate integration of component schemas within a federated database system. 1. Introduction The schema integration (SI) process by which a federated schema is derived is critical to the effectiveness of a federated database system (FDBS) [SL90]. Schema analysis is one of the four phases of SI, in which semantic relationships between the elements of component schemas are identified [BLN86]. It requires an understanding of, and the ability to capture and reason with, the semantics of those schema elements [YSDK91], but current data models do n..